Federation of Post Secondary Educators

The Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC (FPSE) is the provincial voice for faculty and staff in BC universities, colleges and institutes, and private sector institutions. FPSE member locals represent over 10,000 faculty and staff and was formerly the College Institute Educators’ Association of BC. From lobbying governments to assisting member associations with grievance handling and collective bargaining, the FPSE works to further the interests of post-secondary educators.


The stewards for the Federation of Post Secondary Educators unit can be found by contacting the CUPE 1004 office.

Collective Agreement

Download the 2021-2025 Collective Agreement between the Federation of Post Secondary Educators and CUPE 1004.

Benefits & Pension

Refer to the language in article 20 of the Collective Agreement for a comprehensive list of employee benefits.

Federation of Post Secondary Educators employees are part of the Municipal Pension Plan.

Occupational Health & Safety

Know your rights! Training is key. Workers Compensation Act & Regulations must be followed. Members sit on the Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) Committee to monitor and discuss health & safety related issues or concerns in the workplace.

Employee Family Assistance Plan

Take advantage of the Employee Family Assistance Plan (EFAP) that is available to you and your family. Visit Homewood Health for more information or call their toll-free number at 1-844-999-1306.

FPSE Structure

FPSE is a federation of faculty associations formed in 1980 to provide educators at British Columbia post-secondary institutions with a provincial voice. FPSE operates at the local and provincial levels. Local faculty associations, called member locals, are certified trade unions who have chosen to become part of the provincial federation.

Each year, FPSE holds an Annual General Meeting where delegates elected by member locals participate in workshops and approve policy, priorities and a budget to guide the work of the organization over the coming year. The activities of FPSE are governed by policy and procedures developed at AGMs.

Policy and Procedures Manual, provide more details about the purposes and structure of the organization.